The General Director of Schools Dr. Makki bin Ahmed Al-Harbi

Security is a feeling state, with no value if there is no sense to it. Hence, a new feeling shows that there is a difference between it and fear. And if all this didn't turn into a real understanding resulting behavior of confirm that there is what secures that we seek and move in life to build and reform evils in it. From this standpoint, the custodian of the Two Holy Mosques gives great interest in education and security. He and his good government do their best in wisdom and experience challenging the storms of turmoil and conflicts that we see around us. The custodian of the Two Holy Mosques protects his country and his sons and keeps the unity of the home and our Islamic identity.
Since we are in this country like any human society, we strive to build a promising and safe future . We could not build a society without security, and there is no security without knowledge. The collapse of any of these two basic pillars will be reflected directly on the individual, who is the cornerstone of society.
Any beginning or building without education and security would be a fragile beginning which can be destroyed easily. Here, it should be noted the increasing focus should be on individual investment; which is the capital of any society. Internal security does not only mean crime control, but is before anything, building the individual and the creation of the stability and cohesion among the members of society.
We must take care of our homeland and look around to find out which blessing we have.
Security is a blessing.

The General Supervisor Of the Girls Section Mrs./ Mariam Abdullah Banakhar.

The One Thousand-Mile Road

The one thousand-mile road starts with a step. Strong truthful will makes miracles. These slogans are taken by our schools to achieve success and access to the top of science and knowledge. Our ambition was to promote in our schools. It is the power that has led us to the plans , strategies and our vision to build a generation proud of his values and targeting to seek creativity by using the latest educational methods. This attitude strengthens our wills and encourages us to continue and do our best for the sake of this aim. Our schools sought to follow all what is new in the area of technical fields. It supports its teachers to attend courses and training workshops and use different strategies in the field of education. And paying attention to what would enhance the quality of our students.
And from this gate, we begin publishing news of our schools and all its achievements